Budgeting Solutions FastStart

Budgeting Solutions FastStart® is an out of the box solution powered by IBM Planning Analytics with pre-configured connectors to most ERP solutions and a data model that reflects how organisations plan, analyse and report.

FastStart® is available through G-Cloud 12:  https://www.digitalmarketplace.service.gov.uk/g-cloud/services/838042839385761

Fast Time To Value

The solution uses an accelerated implementation methodology which integrates multiple data sources and financial processes to automate financial planning, reporting and analysis.

Use Cases

We bring big data techniques to financial management processes to automate, streamline, enhance and digitise legacy financial processes. We work with the end user to assess their needs, providing consultancy and implementation services to configure the relevant model dimensionality and granularity.

Having an issue with excel or a legacy solution? Get in touch.


0115 958 0405

Other Services

As an accredited IBM Gold Business Partner we able to support organisations in a variety of ways. Right from solution evaluation to maintaining and building upon an organisations current investment.

Product Evaluation


We can help you evaluate the right solution for your business through a free trial, proof of concept or hands on user workshop.

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Our experienced consulting team will guide and mentor you to achieve successful projects using our agile approach.

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Helpdesk & Support

Our support team are integral to what we do, ensuring the technology just works and your questions get answered.

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Budgeting Solutions offers a comprehensive range of IBM training courses, instructor-led, at a location convenient for you.

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Industries we work with

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Business Services

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Public Services